
5 Affordable Digital Nomad Visas and How to Get One

Sep, 05, 2023

What are digital nomad visas and how can you get your hands on one? Chances are you’ve felt the irresistible call of the nomadic lifestyle, trading in your 9-5pm for the freedom to work from anywhere in the world. For someone who wants to be a digital nomad without being at the mercy of limited tourist visas, or border runs every 30-60 days, there’s a new answer. Enter digital nomad visas! In this blog post, we’ll break down what digital nomad visas are and introduce you to five countries jumping on the digital nomad trend as a way to boost tourism and their economy, all while hosting international talent.

What is a Digital Nomad Visa?

A digital nomad visa is a type of visa designed specifically for remote workers, freelancers, and online entrepreneurs who want to live and work in a foreign country for an extended period. These visas allow you to legally work while enjoying the benefits of a new culture and environment without the need for a traditional employment visa. They typically come with requirements and fees, but the opportunity they offer is priceless for those who crave a life of adventure and flexibility.


Top 5 Countries with Digital Nomad Visas


digital nomad visas

Colombia has long been a hotspot for digital nomads, especially in the eternal spring of Medellin. So when Colombia introduced its digital nomad visa (aka Visa V Nómadas Digitales) in 2022 it was welcomed with open arms. Under the digital nomad visa, foreigners:

  • can live and work in Colombia for up to two years
  • must provide proof of health insurance
  • must have a passport valid for at least six months from the date of application
  • must provide bank statements proving you earn a monthly income of at least 3x of the minimum wage (approx $700)

These are the required documents you’ll need to apply for this visa: a passport, a copy of your passport info page, a passport photo, a copy of the passport page showing the most recent entry or departure stamp for Colombia, a letter from a foreign company/or a motivational letter for entrepreneurs, bank statements, and proof of health insurance.

How To Apply:

  1. Gather your documents
  2. Follow the instructions on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia website to fill out the application form and submit documents.
  3. Pay the application fee (approx $52).
  4. Play the waiting game. The processing time can be around 30 days, give or take. Check back regularly.
  5. Pay the visa fee once accepted. This can range from $170 and $230 depending on your family size.

Your digital nomad visa will be delivered electronically in a matter of 10 days.

RELATED POST: The Digital Nomad Dilemma


digital nomad visas

Portugal seems to lead the way as one of the most sought-after relocation destinations in the E.U. In fact, every traveling friend of ours who’s visited Portugal has decided never to leave. “Never” is a strong word. Basically, they’ve fallen in love with Portugal and decided to base themselves from there. That might soon be you; under the digital nomad (D7 visa), you:

  • must have citizenship in non-EU and non-EEA countries
  • must provide bank statements proving you earn a monthly income of at least 4x of the minimum wage (approx $762)
  • can obtain a residence permit in Portugal for one year
  • must be able to spend at least 16 months in Portugal during the first 2-year period
  • get visa-free entry into Portugal and the Schengen zone.

Required documents you’ll need to apply for this visa: a passport, passport photos, Passive Income D7 Visa Application Form, bank statements to show passive income, proof of accommodation, a cover letter, a NIF Number, Portuguese bank account, proof of health insurance, and a clean criminal record.

How To Apply:

  1. Make an appointment with a Portuguese Embassy (approx €180/$195)
  2. Submit required documents
  3. Travel to Portugal and register your residence
  4. Attend the residence permit interview ( permit fee €320/$245)

Your digital nomad/D7 visa can take between 3-4 months processing time.


digital nomad visas

Ecuador’s digital nomad visa is also known as the “Rentista visa” which allows remote workers to stay in the country for up to 2 years. Applicants must have:

  • A passport valid for at least six months
  • A clean police record
  • Evidence of at least $1,350 in monthly foreign income (three times Ecuador’s “basic salary”)     
  • Proof of Ecuadorian health insurance and, 
  • $50 for the application fee; if accepted, the visa costs $400

Required documents you’ll need: a passport, passport photos, a clean police record, proof of income (at least $1,350), visa application, proof of health insurance, proof of employment, and a rental agreement.

How to apply:

  1. Gather your documents
  2. Register online with the Ecuador Consulate
  3. Fill out, submit application, and pay application fee (approx $50)
  4. Schedule (and attend) your appointment
  5. Play the visa processing waiting game for more or less 7 business days
  6. Once the visa has been validated, pay the validation fee of approx $400. You’ll receive an email with your visa document after the payment approval


digital nomad visas

Estonia’s digital nomad and freelancer visa allows foreigners to live in the country for 1 year. There are actually 2 kinds of digital nomad visas. You can apply for the Type C Digital Nomad Visa ($87) for stays less than 90 days, or Estonia D Visa ($108) for stays longer than 90 days. As a foreigner, you:

  • need to own a location independent business or be hired by a company based outside of Estonia
  • need to make at least $3785 per month for the last 6-months to be considered
  • can travel to the other Schengen Member States for 90 days within 180 days (Type D)

The required documents you’ll need: a passport, passport photos, Type C application/ Type D, proof of accommodation, proof of income, health insurance, a cover letter/employment contract/letter indicating purpose of trip, and a return flight for Type C.

How to apply:

  1. Gather your documents
  2. Make an appointment at your local Estonian Embassy/Consulate or within Estonia at a Police or Border Guard Office
  3. Attend and submit all documents
  4. Wait for approval. The processing time can range between 15 – 30 days.
  5. Once approved, pick up your visa at the embassy.


digital nomad visas

Greece grants a one-year digital nomad visa that can be renewed as a residence permit. Applicants must:

  • Be able to work remotely for a foreign employer
  • have the minimum financial requirement of $3,778 per month. This increases by 20% for your spouse and 15% for a dependent child.
  • prove you’re a digital nomad

Here are the required documents you’ll need: a passport, passport photos, visa application form, a cover letter, proof of employment, proof of income, a clean criminal record, proof of health insurance, proof of onward travel, and a health certificate

How to apply:

  1. Gather all documents
  2. Make an appointment at your nearest Greek embassy (€75/$80 application fee & €150/$162 administration fee).
  3. Attend appointment and submit all paperwork.
  4. Wait 2-4 weeks for a response. Once you are approved, you can travel to Greece and apply for a permanent residence permit.
  5. When you enter Greece, register for a residency permit in Greece at the nearest Aliens and Immigration Department of the Decentralized Administration office.

Whether you choose Portugal’s charming cities, Estonia’s tech-savvy atmosphere, Colombia’s vibrant culture, Ecuador’s natural wonders, or Greece’s seaside paradise, there’s a digital nomad visa out there waiting for you. So pack your laptop, grab your passport, and start your journey towards a life of remote work and global exploration. Safe travels! 🌍💼✈️


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